How to Prepare for your Newborn Session

Congratulations on your new baby! Thank you so much for trusting me to capture the sweetness of your new little one. Newborns are truly my passion and I consider myself blessed to be around these little miracles so much. Below are a few tips to prepare for your session.


For babies who are breastfeeding, the mother's diet is the baby's diet. For about 24-48 hours, it is important to eliminate any foods from the mother's diet that may cause baby to have gas or an upset tummy. 

In the 10-12 hours leading up to the session, it is very important to feed your baby as much and as frequently as possible to ensure a full belly. This helps to ensure that baby is not fussy due to hunger and allows baby to enjoy a nice long nap during the session.

Most importantly, try to keep baby awake for 1-2 hours prior to the session. Often times this can be the most difficult tip to follow. But it is so important to have a very tired baby in order to get the sweet sleepy curled up poses. If you find keeping your little one awake is difficult, try giving baby a bath.

Feed your baby just prior to coming to your session. He or she may also need another "top off" once you get here to get fully settled into a deep sleep. Please dress your baby in minimal button/zip up clothing so that nothing needs to be pulled over their head.

Being a model is a lot of work and baby may need extra feedings. If baby is formula fed, please bring extra. If baby is breast fed please be prepared to nurse while here at the session. If you breast feed your baby and you are open to the idea of bringing a bottle of pumped milk (or formula), sometimes that is helpful in getting baby really full as well. If not, that's ok too! 

Please bring a pacifier (preferably the soothie pacifier kinds the hospital provides, they won’t leave marks). Even if you haven’t used one yet, do not plan to use one at all or baby doesn’t seem to take to it, it can really help soothe your baby for the 2-3 hours that I will be posing him or her.

Baby will be nude for some of the time during the session if you would like little tushy shots of them and they cooperate. However, do bring extra diapers as I will use them in between poses. Because baby will be bare most of the time, be prepared for accidents. Don't be embarrassed or feel bad, they happen 99% of the time. All items are freshly washed for every baby.


If you choose to have images taken with family and/or siblings remember to keep your attire very simple. Often times a plain shirt in a neutral color like white, black, tan or grey looks best and will not detract from baby. Stay away from shirts that may have images, writing or logos on them. Same goes for siblings. Just make sure to coordinate everyone.

Remember to have both mom's and dad's hands and nails manicured. It doesn't need to be anything fancy, just clean and trimmed. Your hands will most likely make their way into the photographs as well.

-What to expect during your newborn session-

Newborn photography sessions can and most often do take a very long time. I quote a time frame of 1-3 hours. Because of the length of time that you will be here you may want to bring a snack or something to drink. You may also want to bring something to do like a book or laptop. You're also welcome to just sit back, relax and watch me work.

I also ask that you arrange a way for any older siblings to leave the studio after they are done being photographed. Whether that be to the park next door or back home with a parent or other caregiver.

I try to keep the studio nice and warm for baby, so dressing yourself in layers may be a good idea.

Ultimately, your baby will determine how the session will go. If your baby is fussy, do not worry or get stressed, he or she may pick up on this. Just know that your baby is in good hands and I will care for them like I did my own babies. The safety and comfort of your baby will always be my top priority. I will not force your baby into any pose or pose your baby in any way that is unsafe. Some babies may fuss and cry while they are being posed just because they don't want to be messed with and this is normal. However, if at anytime you feel uncomfortable or feel that your baby needs you or anything else please let me know. 

Please know that by following these tips you are setting your baby up for a successful newborn photography session. With that being said though, please do not get discouraged if you do follow these tips and baby still seems to have no intentions of going to sleep or is super fussy for the session. I have infinite amounts of patience and I will get adorable images of your baby that you will cherish forever.

If you have any questions about your upcoming session please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with you and your new little one.