How to Prepare for your Family Session

I love capturing families both in posed and unposed shots. I want you to enjoy your session so heres are some tips to help it go smooth and be fun and relaxing for all. 

What should we wear? 

I always say finding the perfect outfits can be the hardest part of getting family pictures done! I always tell my clients find one outfit you love and base the other outfits around that one. They don't have to be matchy matchy the best family outfits usually aren't but coordinate together having the same color palette. For example all wearing pastels, or fall colors. Put your outfits together and ask yourself do I like these colors together? do they flow together? And if you still aren't sure snap a picture and ask me! 


What should we bring? 

Its always good to have a checklist so you don't forget anything right?! 

1. Comb/brush

2. Hairspray

3. Water and non messy snacks for the kids (cheerios,smarties, fruit snack ect.) Smarties are especially great for bribing haha as they are light colored and don't leave the teeth messy after the child is done with it. 

4. Any special prop you may want in the pictures ( special blanket, picture ect) 

5. Your kids and spouse! They might not mind, but we want a complete family picture, right! :) 

What to expect before the shoot. 

Once your deposit is made we will decide on the perfect location for you and your family either indoors or outdoors, whichever you prefer. Let your children know that you will be getting your pictures taken and how excited you are for them. You being excited will get them excited for it! 

If any haircuts are needed it's always a good idea to get them done at least 1 week before your shoot to allow time to get used to your new style and learn how you like it styled best. I will check back in with you within a few days before the shoot to confirm time and location and answer any questions you may have. 

What should I expect during the shoot?

Once you arrive we will take a moment fix any hair or outfits that need fixed and then get started. I want you to have fun during your shoot so if your kids are a little hesitant don't stress we will pause for a moment to let them settle down or do some interactive life style shots to get them use to the camera without having to look at it and smile. 

What Should I expect after the shoot?

 I will post a sneak peek on my blog and/or Facebook page for you to enjoy while I work on the rest. When I am done editing I will send you your gallery for you to pick from.